
How to reduce or increase the number of teaching materials (Excel)

By default, “STURY” allows you to record 5 teaching materials.

On this page we will tell you how to reduce the number of sheets of material you can record (reduce the display), and conversely how to increase it.

First of all, please make a backup by copying the entire file so that you can get back to it.

The instructions are on a PC screen.

“STURY”, which appears in the following description, can be downloaded from the following link↓

Download the study planner using the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve Even if you want to study efficiently, it's often difficult to know...

How to reduce the number of teaching aids (hide sheets)

There is a way to delete sheets etc., but if you want to add more, the number of processes will increase, so here is a way to hide the number of materials.

Hide the “○○” records sheet

For example, let’s say you want to delete the two records “■■” and “◎◎”records in the diagram below.

To select more than one sheet you want to erase, hold down the Ctrl key (it’s usually in the left-most column of your keyboard) and select two at the same time.

Once selected, right-click to bring up the menu and press “Hide”.

Hide even yearly and half-yearly records

Next, we will hide the “■■” and “◎◎” from the yearly and half-yearly records as they are still displayed.

Select the columns you want to delete (in this case columns H and I) and make sure that the whole column is greyed out.

Next, right-click on the area labeled “H” or “I” to open the menu, as shown in the image below, and left-click on “Hide”.

Then, as shown in the image below, the space between columns G and J will be hidden. You can see that there is a subtle gap between the G and J columns.

This is the end of the hiding process. You don’t need to change the formula.

How to get back on track from a reduced number of teaching materials

We will show you how to re-display material that has been hidden in the above way.

Re-display the “○○” records sheet

Right-click on the heading of any sheet to bring up the menu.

Then click “Unhide”.

This will bring up a dialog box similar to the one above, select the sheets you wish to redisplay and select OK.

You are now ready to redisplay the sheets.

Re-display of Annual and Half yearly records

Open the sheet you wish to redisplay.

You can see a gap between columns G and J. This is where the hidden sheets are hidden. This is where the hidden sheet is hidden.

To redisplay it, select the columns next to the hidden sheet, in this case columns G and J.

To select them, drag the “G” and the “J” to the left, just as you did when you hid them.

Right-click where it says “G” or “J” to bring up the menu, then left-click “Unhide”.

You have now redisplayed the column.

How to increase the number of teaching materials

Next, we will tell you how to do this if you only have 5 materials available by default, but want to have more than 6.

As an example, let’s increase the number of records called “★★”.

The following methods may seem daunting if you are not familiar with Excel.

If you find it difficult, you can either copy the whole file or download it again from the download screen. it may be quicker to copy the whole file or download it again from the download screen and create a new record.

Copy and increase the number of sheets of “○○” records.

Here, we will copy and increase the number of “◎◎”.

Right click on the sheet name “◎◎” to bring up the menu.

Left click on “Move or Copy” in the menu.

Then you will see a dialog box like the one above.

Select “Move to the end”.
Check “Create a copy☑”.
Press “OK”.

Here we choose Move to the end, but you can choose any place.

Now that the sheet is duplicated, you can rename it.

Double click on the name of the sheet you want to rename and it will look like the image above, so rename it to something you like.

When you change the name of a sheet, it should automatically change the display of the C1 cell of that sheet, but it won’t on your phone, so you’ll have to delete the formula and change it by typing it in.

You can now edit the sheet in the same way as any other sheet.

If the original sheet contains any records, you will need to erase the data.

If you want to erase all the data at once, you can do so quickly by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting, as shown in the image above.

Also, if you want to erase the data in several selected cells, you can press the DELETE key instead of the BACKSPACE key to erase them all.

If you want to add more than two materials (sheets), it is easier to make them all at this point.

Annual and Half yearly record sheets to increase the number of teaching materials

In the yearly and half-yearly records, the number of “★★”records has not increased, so we will increase them.

More columns

This is working on the sheet for the “Half Yearly Record”.

First, select one (or any) of the columns of the “XX” records.

Here we are selecting column I of the ◎◎ record. Press on the “I” to select it.

Then press the Ctrl and C keys at the same time (shortcut: copy).

This will turn the solid line into a dotted line.

Next, select column J in the same way as you selected column I.

In this case, you want to put the “★★” record between the “◎◎” record and the “Memo” record.

It can be anywhere in the “XX” records.

Next, hold down the shift key and press the F10 key (shortcut: menu).

You can also hold down the shift key and press the E key (not Enter, just E) at the same time (shortcut: Insert copied cell).

The two “◎◎” records are now attached together, but look carefully at the arrows.

But look carefully at the arrows: they are the same number, but in a different colour!

The column you have just created has been weighted by the column you have just created and the colour has changed…

We are going to change that setting now.

Changing the range of cell highlighting rules

We will change the colouring range in the table to the right of the annual and half-yearly records.

From the “Home” menu bar above, select “Conditional Formatting”.

From there, select “Manage Rules”.

You may see the formatting rule as “Current Selection”, press the pull down on the right and select “This Worksheet”.

I think there are two “Graded Color Scale”, but I only need one, so I’m going to delete one of them.

Please select one of them (you can select it by pressing on the area where it says “Graded Color Scale”) and press “Delete Rule”.

We will change the scope of application for the other one that remains.

First, we need to check which column is the record, in this case columns E to J.

We will change the formula in the “Applies to” field.


This means that the range has now been changed from column E to column J.

Don’t worry about the numbers on the right, just worry about the letters in the columns.

For example, suppose you have seven records and columns E to K are tables.


Next, press “Apply” in the bottom right-hand corner and press “OK” to complete your changes to the coverage.

Change the name of the “XX” record in the heading

Next, let’s change the name of the record.

In the example, there were two “◎◎”, but we changed the name of one of them to “★★★”.

You can change the name by double-clicking on the cell.

Then the record of “★★” will be displayed.

The sheet name and the heading name must be the same or the data will not be reflected properly.

Also, if you use symbols, the data may not be reflected properly, so please try using alphanumeric characters.

Changing the total range

That’s it! Just hang on a little longer…

Select cell C4 (the data at the top of the total column) and press the F2 key.

This will take you to the cell editing screen.

The range of SUM is now from column E to column I. Now we will extend the total range to column J where “★★” is located.

=Change to SUM($E4:$J4)

→Enter key

Now only the fourth line has been changed to a proper range.

You can also do the same thing with your mouse. Drag the light blue (or sometimes a different colour) square to the bottom right to widen the area.

Next, we will apply the data to the lower rows, as only row 4 is proper data now.

Hover your mouse over the bottom right hand corner of cell C4 to create a cross (+) and double click there.

We now have proper data all the way to the bottom of the table.

Thank you all for your hard work.

It is very distressing that it is not easy to do this in one touch, but we hope this article will help you.

Download the study planner using the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve Even if you want to study efficiently, it's often difficult to know...